Conference registration for ICML, UAI, COLT and MLG 2008
Register online now ... click here!
Registration fees
Non-student registration | Student registration | |||||
Early bird | Regular | Late | Early bird | Regular | Late | |
-31 May | 1-18 June | 19 June- | -31 May | 1-18 June | 19 June- | |
ICML 5-8 July 2008 | € 320 | € 400 | € 600 | € 210 | € 250 | € 350 |
COLT 10-12 July 2008 | € 280 | € 400 | € 600 | € 140 | € 200 | € 300 |
UAI 10-12 July 2008 | € 280 | € 400 | € 600 | € 140 | € 200 | € 300 |
Joint workshop day 9 July 2008 | € 50 | € 75 | € 200 | € 25 | € 50 | € 100 |
MLG 4-5 July 2008 | € 100 | € 150 | € 300 | € 80/20 | € 120 | € 150 |
- The encrypted connection for the registration form itself is signed by the University of Helsinki, which is not an official certifying authority. This may cause the browser to complain when entering the site, which is no cause for alarm. The credit card details are processed separately by Luottokunta card payment service, with an officially signed certificate.
- Credit card problems? If the payment does not go through, note the
following. The error message 2000/2100: The card issuer declined the
authorisation indicates that the card-issuing company or bank for some reason does not
let you pay to Luottokunta card payment service. The reason could be e.g. that
- the company/bank finds the purchase suspect or detects unsusual behaviour from your side, or that
- there is some restriction on the card that says that you are not allowed to use it on the web (or on this particular web page even if it works on other web pages), or that
- the card is not covered.
Please call your card company/bank, to find out the reason. They will be able to help you solve the problem.Note also that the name on the registration page does not have to be the same as the name on the card.
- Browser problems. Payment does not seem to work with Safari browser.
- There is no reduced fee for attending several events. However, UAI delegates can attend COLT sessions and vice versa.
- There is a separate fee for attending the joint workshops on 9 July 2008, but the ICML tutorials on 5 July are included in the ICML conference fee.
- The UAI or COLT fee includes one set of paper proceedings. If you register for COLT, you will get the COLT proceedings and vice versa for UAI. No paper proceedings is included with the ICML registration fee. Additional proceedings may be pre-ordered (see registration form).
- Pascal2 members may register for free for MLG (early bird). The banquet is included for a limited number of Pascal members, so if a member wants to ensure a banquet ticket, he/she has to register with a regular fee. Students have two options for registering, to include (more expensive) or exclude (cheaper) the banquet
- Lunches are not included in the fees. Banquets are included in the fees of the appropriate events unless otherwise noted. The reception on 9 July is open to all participants of any of the five events (MLG, ICML, Joint workshop day, UAI, COLT).
- Students: Proof of Student ID is required. Please have your advisor or faculty sponsor email confirmation of your student status within seven (7) days of registering to: [email protected]
- Invitation Letters for Visas: Please direct requests for Letters of Invitation to [email protected]
- submitted an accepted paper to the conference or
- have registered as participants and paid their registration fees
Students who plan to volunteer for ICML, please see the ICML 2008 Student volunteer program. (If accepted, a student registers through the program. If rejected, a student should register normally by using the registration form after notification of rejection.)
Unfortunately, ICML does not have travel awards for students. But, please see the ICML volunteer program.
Please note: As we need to inform the ministry officials of the relationship we have with the visa applicants, we will only consider confirmations to those individuals who have either
and letters will be provided in pdf format. We also expect applicants to have a background in machine learning.
Please include your name, organisation, date of birth, address, passport number and purpose and length of visit.
Payment options
We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express credit cards.
Payments are handled by Luottokunta card payment service and Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.See also card problems above